Portfolio LOAD MORE button doesn't works well

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This topic contains 35 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ekoleds 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Those were.



    To solve Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined error try this:
    add define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); to the bottom of your wp-config.php file (just before the require_once line).

    This error is usually server issue.
    In order to increase performance, WP concatenates scripts (links them together in a chain or series). Unfortunately some servers can’t cope with this, so you’ll just turn that feature off in WordPress.

    Let us know if that helped you.



    I did but the button continue without working. The rest of portfolios arent loaded (categories “Industria” and “Adminitracion”) only load six of “administracion”.



    Ok, we have fixed this issue.

    Throught your wordpress(plugins editor) we have added this line of code inside init.js file:
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ABp_gallery_metabox_scripts');

    Now portfolio “Load more” button now works properly.

    Please recheck this and let us know if everything is ok.



    Yes now its working, tahnk you.

    The other problem was with the option industry, it doesnt appear. I try to write (administracion,industria) (administracion, industria) (industria,administracion) (industria, administracion) with space, without space, changing the order but the same portfolios are always loaded. What can i do?

    Administracion = council
    Industria = industry

    if i write 32 “portfolios to be shown” then it appear “administración and industria” but it appear all of them too and i only want 6.



    The portfolio shortcode is pulling the latest portfolios(by date), in your case those are only portfolios with administracion category.
    Because of that, you’ll have to change the date from one portfolio with “industria” category.




    I did what you told me (i have written the same date in all portfolios) and now apper “industria” but only 2 are loaded and when you click in the button appear 2 much and i dont know why an administration portfolio (i have checked that it has only administration category selected). When you click in industry link only one is loaded, the rest dont appear.



    We’re not sure exactly what you mean.
    We tested all, the whole portfolio and loading work properly.
    New portfolios are load all the way to the last one, this is the normal behavior of portfolio shortcode.




    I thougth that when you click in industry for example the aplicattion shows you six industries portfolios but it only shows the industry portofolios that appear in the begining. At any rate try to do this:

    Click in administration and after that, click in the button “load more” , then the first portfolio changes and becomes industry portfolio, i dont know why. it happens the same if you do on the contrary. After you click in industry or administration, i check original andy theme and it happens the same. I imagine that is normal.

    How can i change the message “not additional portfolio post found”?



    The isotope works that way. You are filtering what you want to see :) We tested it and it works like it should. You click on administration, load more, only administration are loaded, then click on industry, only industry posts get visible.

    The ‘no additional portfolio post found’ message should be a translatable string inside the portfolio plugin. In the abdev-portfolio there is a languages folder, there load .pot file in the poEditor and translate it, and then save it like it’s described here.

    Hope this helps.

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