Video Background/Slider Assistance Needed

Home Forums Duelmotion – WordPress Theme Video Background/Slider Assistance Needed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Support Team,

    I seem to be running into trouble attempting to duplicate the quality that the duelmotion’s intro video background has.

    a) I can’t seem to have any of my youtube video/vimeo go full screen.

    b) I can’t seem to have the pattern overlay come up and stay on the video while it plays.

    c) The hide controls for the video isn’t working. The entire video play/pause/timeline/and the vimeo or youtube logo is still showing up.

    d) The video is slow to load, barely autoplays, and I can’t slow it down to 50% or 25% speeds at all.

    Please help! My Log-In info is in many of my posts if you need it.



    Also I’d like to just have about 10 seconds of my vimeo video, at 25% speed just auto-play and loop.

    What I’m working with now, after the video ends, it just stops and asked what other videos (connected to that channel) you’d like to see.



    Revolution slider has the option to put the slider full screen.

    Our video is html5 video (webm, ogv, mp4).

    The dotted overlay should be added by jquery automatically. Do you have any jquery errors?

    It looks like your revolution slider class isn’t adding .revolution_slider_overlayed class to it. Try, in custom.js instead of

        if (typeof revapi1 !== "undefined") {
            revapi1.bind("revolution.slide.onloaded",function (e) {
                $('.revolution_slider_overlayed .tp-bgimg').after('<div class="tp-overlay"></div>');


        if (typeof revapi1 !== "undefined") {
            revapi1.bind("revolution.slide.onloaded",function (e) {
                $('.tp-bgimg').after('<div class="tp-overlay"></div>');

    When you put Youtube video, or Vimeo, since revolution slider uses their players, it will show their controls. Try converting your video to one of the formats we said above, and inserting it as a html5 video.

    The slowdown isn’t due to theme, but due to revolution slider, which is not our plugin. So we really don’t know why it slows everything down :\

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