Team Members Link & Hover Area

Home Forums Revelance WordPress Theme Team Members Link & Hover Area

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    1. Is there a way to make it so that the name of the person and their title are not linkable but still look the same as the others? (see the diff btw #1 which we want linked and then numbers 2 & 3 which we want to have the same layout but not be clickable.

    2. How can we reduce the size of the gray box that appears when you hover over a team member photo? Our headshots are set at 200px and the box is set as the templates original team member size (see




    Well the first one has the overlay with the link on it. You could go to the team_tc.php file in the elements folder, and try to modify the html content when there is no link to look like when there is one (or just remove || $link!='' part in the first if).

    The box is set to 100% of the element width, that’s why it’s taking all that extra space. You could try to customize the css in the-creator.css on line 1386, to make it not 100% width, but you’d also need to fix the positioning of that element.



    Sorry I don’t think I explained well…

    We like the way the first one is and want to keep everything looking identical BUT we want to
    1) Keep the line break btw the photo and the name and
    2) We do not want the name or the title hyperlinked.

    Can you guide me on exactly how to fix that in the editor? I don’t want to play around too much and mess up the whole file…

    Thank you!



    Ok, unfortunately you will have to make changes in code.
    Just replace your team_tc.php file with the one from attachments.
    After that name and the title shouldn’t be hyperlinked.
    One more thing, go to wp-content\themes\revelance\css\the-creator.css file and on line 1371 remove margin-bottom, the original code looks like this:

    .tcvpb_team_member .tcvpb_overlayed {
        position: relative;
        line-height: 1;
        margin-bottom: 28px;

    and add this bellow:

    .tcvpb_team_member img {
    position: relative;
    line-height: 1;
    margin-bottom: 28px;

    This should be it.
    Let us know if that worked.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  ab-themes.


    THANKS! I was able to fix the line break between headshot and name/title to work! But they are both still hyperlinked even though we have no pages to link them to..



    Hm, this issue with the link should work.
    Can you send us your ftp credentials so that we can inspect what is going on.



    Sure see below, thanks!



    Please check your credentials, because we can’t login.



    I have double checked and this is def it…



    No, not the wordpress account. We need ftp so that we can acces to team_tc.php file.
    We forgot to mention that if you use child theme, then you need to run-over team_tc.php file in elements folder of child theme also.

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