Section headings left aligned

Home Forums Salamat WordPress Theme Section headings left aligned

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #17391

    Ross Duggan

    How can I make Section headings align left (not centred), including the underline in the style?
    I would like to change the colour of the underline too. Please provide custom CSS for this.

    Also, is it possible within a Section to have say, 3 columns of text and then 1 column (page wide) underneath? Or do I have to start a new Section?

    Thank you.




    if you want to left align section title, edit that section and on the last tab Advanced add class for example “title_class” in Class field.
    Then open your style.css file and in the end add this code:

    .tcvpb_section_tc.title_class header {
    	text-align: left;
    .tcvpb_section_tc.title_class h3:after {
    	background-color: yellow;

    We add yellow color for example, you can add color that you like :)

    Notice: we recommended you to use child theme to add this code in child theme style.css because when we set new update to Salamat theme your customization like this will be removed.

    For last question, unfortunately you need to start a new section. But when you start new section, you can remove padding-top when edit section and in second tab Customizer set 0 to padding or some other number, depends how much space you want in that two sections.

    Let us know if you need anything else :)

    Kind regards

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