Parallax Background Layer / Parallax Slider Assistance

Home Forums Duelmotion – WordPress Theme Parallax Background Layer / Parallax Slider Assistance

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Support Team,

    I can’t seem to find any Parallax features if I want to set a full-width image using the ‘image’ drag’n’drop shortcodes. I tried just creating a new section, and then adding my image as a background image which seemed to give me the Parallax features, but the height is very small. I’ve poured over my CSS and the forums and can’t seem to figure out how to increase this OR if there is a better way to accomplish this.

    Lastly, how can I add Parallax features to my sliders, especially if I’m just using simple images to start out. I cannot find these options in the edit-slider sections, only animation options.

    Thank You for your assistance again.




    If you want an empty section with just an image in it that has parallax feature, you’d also need to set the spacer in it, with a certain height, so that you have some height in the section. You can adjust the height to your liking. Check the screenshot.

    If you’re using revolution slider (and this is the only way to do it with the slider), you should have Parallax option where you can set your slider to have parallax. If you have older version of revolution slider let us know so that we can send the new (4.6.0) version to you.




    For Sections:
    I actually accomplished it by setting the height parameters like here:

    .section_body_fullwidth .dnd_section_content .dnd_container{
    width: 100%;
    height: 250px;
    margin-top: 200px;
    font-family: ‘Roboto Condensed’, sans-serif;

    Do you think accomplishing it this way will cause me issues down the road? Perhaps with responsiveness?

    For the Slider:
    No, I only have version-
    Current Version: 4.2.2
    Available Version: 4.2.2

    It seems like the newest version would be in the ZIP file I received since I just got this theme a week or so ago, hehe.

    Please send asap & thank you for the great support again :)



    Well yes, the issue is that if you change it in css, the change will be global. So any time you set the section to be full width, the height would be 250px. If you want it to be minimum 250px, it would be better to use min-height: 250px. This way if you want a bigger section it will expand, but the minimum height would be 250px.

    Also setting the min height or height will extend to responsive side as well. But the same would happen with spacer, unless you make spacer not displays on responsive sizes.

    We’ll send you the new version of Revolution slider asap.



    Okay, thank you. I’ll check the responsiveness and adjust accordingly.

    Thank you for sending the new version asap.



    Hi! We send you the revolution slider. Hope things work ok now :)



    I received the updated slider thank-you, and did a manual upload found to the bottom-right of the revolution slider editing page.

    I had a successful upload and have tried activating the parallax option but have not had success with it working.

    Once I activate this in the slider settings mode, is there anything that needs to be done in the actual slide editing mode? I’ve found the parallax transitions but nothing seems to be working yet and I’ve gone through all of them, saved, and reloaded my screen. It looks like it is remaining static.



    You need to enable parallax on your slider. Go to slider you created, there should be parralax menu on the right. Once enabled it should work.

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