Footer Logo

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    I am having a bit of trouble with my footer logo. It isn’t centered to the page and I am unsure of why. Please let me know what this may be at your earliest convenience.




    It is because for some reason you have first span in footer wrapped in <a> tag.
    Can you please send us your username and password so we can inspect it.


    Yes, please see hidden content!




    you have tons of this links all over the page:

    <a href="" target="_blank">
    <div class="span5">
    © 2015 M&N Insurance	 

    and in this case link is around copyright div and because of that everything look messed up.
    We try to deactivate all plugins in your site but that did not help.
    Have you change anything in code?



    You can ask here :)



    When I look at the page on my iphone, the slider is very tiny and gets covered by the logo and menu icon for the most part (photo 1). Then when I click the menu icon to open up the menu large and try to scroll down to see the rest of the menu items, it does some strange jump thing and then cuts off the rest of the menu & logo entirely (photo 2). Is there a way to fix this? I was hoping to keep the responsiveness of the site.




    It’s probably due to Revolution slider settings – it’s responsive, so when you resize it resizes too.

    We fixed the style, the menu should scroll up with the header. We are not sure we
    updated it, we will update soon.

    In the meantime we’ll give you responsive.css and style.css, so you can check the differences of our style and yours – look at the menu on the lowest media query. If there are differences, just paste our code in place of yours, this should work.

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