( ! ) Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/andyinf/magnior.com/wp-includes/post-template.php on line 284 Call Stack #TimeMemoryFunctionLocation 10.0001400600{main}( ).../index.php:0 20.0002402640require( '/home/andyinf/magnior.com/wp-blog-header.php' ).../index.php:17 31.200233002560require_once( '/home/andyinf/magnior.com/wp-includes/template-loader.php' ).../wp-blog-header.php:19 41.202833087968include( '/home/andyinf/magnior.com/wp-content/themes/ab-theme/single-knowledgebase.php' ).../template-loader.php:74 51.202833087968get_header( ).../single-knowledgebase.php:2 61.202933088344locate_template( ).../general-template.php:41 71.202933088440load_template( ).../template.php:647 81.203133109064require_once( '/home/andyinf/magnior.com/wp-content/themes/ab-theme/header.php' ).../template.php:688 91.204933119784get_the_excerpt( ).../header.php:40 101.204933119784apply_filters( ).../post-template.php:381 111.204933120184WP_Hook->apply_filters( ).../plugin.php:203 121.204933121688wp_trim_excerpt( ).../class-wp-hook.php:288 131.204933121688get_the_content( ).../formatting.php:3337 " /> Translate Theme Or Plugins – Magnior

Translate Theme Or Plugins

Our every theme is translation ready! You can translate it into any language you like, fast and easy.
To translate your theme you should use Poedit.

What is Poedit?

Poedit is a free program that you can use to write translations for any software or web site that uses Gettext for localization – like WordPress. WordPress uses PO files for everything: WordPress core, themes and plugins.

With Poedit you can upload a .pot file with the original WordPress strings and create a .po file and .mo files with your translations. Poedit offers a clean and easy to use translations interface and supports plural forms and UTF-8.
PoEdit programCreate .po and .mo files

  • Open the .pot file in Poedit. Language files are in wp-content/themes/theme-name/languages folder.
  • Go to File > Save as… to save your translations in a .po file. Your file should carry the name of the language you will be translating into. Check the Codex page to give your file the right name: http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language. The name you should use is the combination of the project’s text domain and a short string in parentheses next to a language’s name (e.g. French – Français (fr_FR)). For example, if the text domain is bwp-minify and the translation is French, just name the .po filebwp-minify-fr_FR.
  • PoEdit will automatically compile a .mo file for you when you save your work on the existing .po file. In order to do that, make sure you go to File > Preferences and on the Editor tab check the Automatically compile .mo file on save box.

Translating with poEdit

The basic translation screen consists of a list of strings for translation and two separate windows for the original string and the translated string.

The process is easy:

  1. Click on a string from the pool
  2. Add the translation in the translation modal (there could be developer notes in the modal on the right, so don’t forget to look for those)
  3. Save your translations

Translated strings are shown next to the original in the pool of strings and you can keep track of your progress in the bottom of the translation screen.

PoEdit translationUploading your translations

After creating .po and .mo files, copy them to your server in wp-content/themes/theme-name/languages folder.
If translated messages are not showing then you probably don’t have translated WordPress. WordPress codex has detailed instructions how to get WordPress in your language. You can find it here.

If we talk about premium multilanguage plugin, we suggest you WPML plugin, you can find it on this link.

Unfortunately, you need to pay him and we don’t support this plugin, but it works perfect :)

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