Contact form not working

Home Forums Timessquare Site Template Contact form not working

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  miltone 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi, the contact form is not working. When you hit the submit button it does nothing. It is happening in my version as well as in the sample you have at envato. The demo does not submit either. Thanks.



    Well it’s just html input fields. On their own they won’t do anything. You need to set up a php file that will take your input, compose the mail, and (provided your server is set up for sending and receiving email) send it.

    Look here on how to do that:



    Thank you for your reply; However, the template is advertised as having a “working contact form” and it has a sendmail.php (where we are supposed to enter our email) and our google key for the captcha. There is also a custom.js file that submits the form via ajax and points to sendmail.php. When I say it is “not working” I mean that the form does not event submit (refreshes the page, etc.). It does not even validate the fields (I am not even filling the fields). I remember when I went to purchase the template, the form in the demo gave a message that the fields were empty. Now is not even doing that. What changed?



    Check if you have filled the action in form in index.html file.



    It is filled. It is pointing to index.php



    And I must add that it is running on PHP in linux server on a shared hosting account.



    We can’t see exactly what’s wrong because we don’t have access to your code.
    Did you set recaptchalib.php file properly

    If this doesn’t help you please provide us with your username and password in private content so we can inspect it.



    YOu were right. I have entered the PUBLIC recaptcha key instead of the PRIVATE recaptcha key in sendmail.php!

    Thanks for the pointer. Everything is working now. NICE TEMPLATE!

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