W3C validator showing tons of Jomelle native errors and warnings

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    I’ve submitted the website I’ve designed using Jomelle theme to validator.w3.org in order to check for errors and it gave me back a list of 140 among errors and warnings. Checking them, I’ve seen that a lot are generated directly from the theme (like the misuse of the <span> element or AB plugins errors).

    Is there a way that you’re fixing those issue? Or do I have to go through them and manually fix them?





    maybe this is related with some third party plugin that you install? Try to deactivate plugins one by one and then test this.

    For example: Warning on number 3 is

    “Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections.”

    You can ignore that because it’s not necessary to set title to section. You can if you want set titles on all sections and then this warning be removed.

    Also, thank you for pointing us to this.

    We always validate our themes and it is necessarily, but maybe some stuff is changed in standard in the meantime, so we will set this in new theme update.

    Kind regards



    Hi and thx for the quick answer.

    about the warnings, it’s not a big issue – I know that is preferred to have headings , also is more SEO friendly. What’s concerning me more are the errors.

    It seems that some errors, like this one:

    Error: Element p not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
    From line 1584, column 1; to line 1584, column 44
    ><span>↩<p class=”p_tc” style=”text-align: center;”><span

    are generated while creating a new section with TheCreator (included in Jomelle) and there’s a misuse of element <span> (errors nr. 4, 6, 9, 15, 22 …) – or at least is what the validator is telling.

    or this one:

    Attribute ” not allowed on element a at this point.
    From line 1737, column 98; to line 1737, column 175
    /span> //

    which is from an AB included plugin and it seems to be just a missing target condition (so bad to be a problem for the validator?).

    Do you think the patch coming with the next update will fix these problems?

    Thanks a lot



    Oh, and i see there are a lot of both warnings and errors about the attribute “;” which is not allowed or not serializable. Again, I think is automatically generated from the site builder or theme itself. Can you please give me a feedback also for that?




    this one also is generated from TheCreator (while placing a youtube element inside a section):

    Error: The frameborder attribute on the iframe element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
    From line 1916, column 49; to line 1916, column 243
    e .video”><iframe src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/CqDs08vCwPk?autoplay=0&modestbranding=0&controls=1&fs=1&start=&end=&showinfo=0&rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

    (sorry for multiple posting, I just imagine is more helpful to youhaving all the errors listed here instead of go through the validator’s output!)



    About errors linked to the “alt” attribute to images:

    if I’m writing down an alt text for an image it says than that the changes are saved. But it’s not and also with the inspector>properties I can see the alt text missing.

    I’ve seen this problem also while editing the images: only if I upload a new image ti will be affected by changes; an already published image won’t have any change from editing or insert/modify the property fields (like name and alt).




    most of the errors it’s because code that you put in widget Text. It has ; inside link.

    Other errors is corrected in our last theme version.

    If you send us your FTP credentials we can help you with that :)

    Kind regards

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