Mobile navigation menu

Home Forums Jomelle WordPress Theme Mobile navigation menu

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ab-themes 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #17083


    Hello there,

    We are using your Jomelle template and all is working good except for the mobile navigation menu.

    We are using W3 total cache plugin in WordPress.

    In the Minify settings we set it to “Manual” and when we specify the JS scripts to minify:

    – wp-content/themes/jomelle/js/init.js
    – wp-content/themes/jomelle/js/custom.js (If we exclude this one, the menu works, but Google complains about not minifying it)

    Is there a way to have the script minified and have the mobile menu working? Thank you very much.




    we have never actually tested W3 total cache plugin for Jomelle theme and because of that we don’t support this plugin.

    Can you leave that file unminified until we test this plugin with our theme.
    We can not say exactly when that will be but hopefully soon.
    As soon as it is done an update will be released.

    Best Regards



    Thank you.



    Happy to help.

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